these boots are made for………. and so we did
noise over noise 
inside more noise
need to get away from it
can't work like this
25 kilo metres 
searching for 
other sounds
on the edge of
here we go
dark and cold
scooter stink scooter noise, now there should go subsidies to electric scooters much better much better they who can afoord electric cars do they really need subsidies 
solved one problem in my mind just in my mind while fleeing what can not be left
here we go
dark and cold

you know that feeling of
ultimate argument non winning sensations
now here comes the camera
excuse me 
what about them catkins ja
you are in macro mode ja
hey i am getting wet here ja
no win situation

once again
and again
under water what do you want to achieve 
with them spots them white spots
where did they come from in the first place
not inside my lenses my light focus shows something else 
and again

silence of water
music for mind
slowly certainly
coming and going
reflecting movement
let it be let it come let it smooth all away
hundreds of photos coming and going

suddenly Virginia Woolf flows by her shoes sink inside sand her pockets are filled with rocks her hair flows like waves over her facial expression just a moment out of hours reflecting in my mind her dead her books her words
3 women 3 timescales 3 livelihoods
1 movie hours away

like my mind hours flowing on water forgetting all what can not be left
leaving reality out of my mind like wolfs with dubble Osss
creating stories making lines of words over screams entering my mind
letting go of what lays behind entering what lays ahead in my mind just my mind not yours not his her lines are different than mine in offensive minefield going where insults solve into waterlines going where outrage sinks to bottomlines.

yep here an old place a new way

wave away

hours later words later images later
the certain need to go back

headache picking up
cold till the bones
legs numbing
battery low

almost too late for bakery almost not yet
so cakes and bread to celebrate hours
hours in solitude when creativity flows the best
now spending hours to fix it all inside my mind
creating my own words creating storylines
showing my vision 
what noise never will see
what hurry never will see
what concrete never will see

my studio

If you came this far to read what was written you might wonder i have lost my mind but no these are real feelings true feelings coming and going every day as i can not get used to city living inside a huge village but for dutch pricipes it is a village for me it is a city. To do what i do i need nature so need to escape.

My books are about just that in a certain way batteling against the stream in peace of mind.
Perhaps Virginia Woolf is the inspiration by the river.
More Virginia

None of the photos nor the poems will be published in the books they will stay unique for the books only, not for screens nor screams.

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